It has been a while since I last posted on the blog! Sorry for the long silence, I have been moving house, snowed-under with work, dealing with red-tape/government forms, a little bit under the weather, and generally under pressure for a few weeks (feels like months!). The blogger dash board has even had a re-vamp! I have taken a few photos of some jobs over the last 6 weeks, I have not even had time to take many pics, but will post a few soon.
The top frame is a lovely deep scoop/cove shape with a rolling (swept or wave) top edge, a very bold and striking looking frame. It is going in a modern interior and will have a deep bronze metallic finish, along with a load of other antique frames.
The second, pretty standard antique neo classical fluted cove is a good 8" wide and has a rather attractive chamfered lap jointed backing frame.