
Pictures without frames

There are very few things in life which annoy me, but putting really serious social and world problems aside for a moment, these are my top three:

1. Paintings reproduced in books and on websites without frames
2. Mcdonald's rubbish along country roads
3. Spam and "Dearest friend I need your bank details" type emails

Frames are so integral to paintings that to publish a book about any artist without also reproducing the frames seems utterly ridiculous to me, the same goes for images on websites. I guess it is simply so much easier to crop a painting than include the frame, but I really wish publishers would start to change this deeply embedded way of discarding the picture frame.  
For example, I have a book on Gustav Klimt, an artist who spent a great amount of time and thought on his frames, and not a single frame is reproduced. The same goes for the websites of many public and private galleries, (although hats off to a gallery I work for - all frames are shown!) I doubt this way of doing things will ever change as most people probably don't even think about it, and maybe there is a genuine reason for this, but I think images of paintings look so much better reproduced with their frames!